trademarks TRADEMARKS
Generally, Ch. 132
Alteration, penalty, 943.37
Common law rights, 132.25
Containers, marked or branded:
Registration, 132.04
Brewers and bottlers containers, 132.11
Unauthorized use or sale, 132.05 to 132.08
Controlled substances marks, illegally reproducing, penalty, 961.43 (1) (b)
Definitions, 132.001
Forgery, 943.38
Lodges and associations:
Badges and insignia, unauthorized wearing, 132.17
Names or insignia, 132.16
Trademarks generally:
Duplication and reproduction, 132.02
Fraudulent filing, 132.032
Penalties, 132.03
Registration, 132.01
Secretary of state certificate, 132.031
Unauthorized use, 132.19
Injunction, 132.033
Wisconsin products, 100.14
trading stamps TRADING STAMPS
Regulation of, 100.15
traffic code TRAFFIC CODE
Generally, Chs. 340 to 349
For detailed analysis, see Motor Vehicles
traffic officer TRAFFIC OFFICER
trailers TRAILERS
trails TRAILS
DNR lands, designation of, 23.115
Ice age trail, 23.17
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
Restrictions in plats, void where conflict with trail, 236.292
Nonmotorized recreation and transportation trails council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (20)
Duties, 23.177
Off-road vehicle council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (9)
Duties, 23.178
State trails, 23.175
Use of bicycles and personal assistive mobility devices in state parks, 23.117
trains TRAINS
See Railroads
transient merchants TRANSIENT MERCHANTS
See Peddlers
transplant of organs TRANSPLANT OF ORGANS
Bone marrow donation by minors, 48.14 (9), 146.34
Human organs, sale prohibited, 146.345
Human tissues and organs, 146.31
Kidney disease:
Recovery of payments, 49.682, 49.849
State aid, patients and donors, 49.68
transportation department TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT
Generally, Ch. 85
Administrative and operating facilities, 13.48 (10), 84.01 (28)
Administrative hearings, 85.013, 227.43
Aerial photographic survey products, sale of, 85.10
Aeronautics, see Aeronautics and Astronautics
Air quality and congestion mitigation program, 85.245
Airplanes, charges for use of planes owned or rented by department, 114.316
Airports, see Airports and Spaceports
Alcohol study re drinking age, 85.07 (6)
Alleys, approve vacation, 236.42
Appropriation, 20.395
Capital improvement debt authorized, 20.866 (2) (u) to (uwz)
Professional stadium district, transfer of proceeds from special license plates, 85.605
Reduction of, 85.62
Secretary may recommend, 85.035
State trunk system, 84.03 (9)
Statewide trauma care system transfer, 85.32
Boards, 15.465
Bridges, see Bridges
Buses, intercity; assistance program, 85.26
Condemnation, abandoned rail property, 32.02 (15)
Construction contracts, non-highway borrow and material disposal sites, 85.193
Contractors providing vehicle registration services, 341.21
Councils, 15.467
Creation, IV, 9; 15.46
Credit and debit card and electronic payments, motor vehicle code fees, 85.14
Definitions, 85.01
Disadvantaged business mobilization assistance program, 85.25
District offices, 84.01 (3)
Drinking age study, 85.07 (6)